Symptoms of High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that's important for making certain hormones and rebuilding cells. It's found in many foods, including meat and dairy products.

High cholesterol can cause fatty plaque to build up in your arteries, which narrows them and increases your risk for heart disease and stroke. A blood test can tell you if you have high cholesterol.

Chest Pains

While chest pain is a common symptom of a heart attack, it can also be a sign of many conditions, including high cholesterol. A doctor can help you understand what is causing your pain and, if needed, run tests to identify the problem.

When you are experiencing chest pain, it's important to seek medical attention if it doesn't go away and if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath or fatigue. Chest pains that are associated with these other symptoms can be serious and should be treated as soon as possible to prevent further health complications.

Some of the most common causes of chest pain include indigestion, coughing, muscle overuse and stress. Other less common causes of chest pain are inflammation (pancreatitis), shingles and gallbladder problems.

Stroke-Like Symptoms

A stroke happens when an artery in the brain is blocked, limiting the flow of oxygen-rich blood to an area of the brain. The blockage may be caused by a blood clot or by a buildup of fatty deposits and cholesterol (plaque) on the inside of the artery walls.

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of cholesterol kam karne ka tarika and occurs more often in older adults. Symptoms can include a sudden onset of weakness, numbness or a loss of muscle control.

People with high cholesterol and other risk factors for heart disease or diabetes are at increased risk of a stroke. Treatments for these conditions can help reduce your risk of a stroke.

The American Heart Association recommends getting a cholesterol check regularly for people over age 20. It's especially important for men aged 45 and women over 55 who have a family history of high cholesterol or risk factors for stroke. Those who have had a prior stroke or mini-strokes called transient ischemic attacks should also get a cholesterol test.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea, is a common symptom of high cholesterol. It may come on suddenly and be intense, but it's not a sign to ignore.

It's best to call a doctor when shortness of breath suddenly occurs during strenuous activity. If it happens when you're not exerting yourself at all, or if it's accompanied by chest pain, then that's an additional clue that something serious might be wrong.

A doctor will first ask questions about your symptoms and medical history to help determine if there's an underlying problem. What they find may lead to tests that help them diagnose the cause.

Often, doctors will run a blood test to check for high cholesterol levels or pulmonary function. They may recommend lifestyle changes to manage a condition that's causing the breathing problems. Lastly, if the problem is caused by asthma or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), they may prescribe medications to treat it.


Fatigue is a symptom of many health problems, but it is often one of the first symptoms of high cholesterol. When it happens, fatigue can make it harder for you to do your work and take care of yourself.

If you feel tired, especially after a long period of time, it is important to see your doctor. They can diagnose the cause of your fatigue and recommend treatment.

Your doctor will ask you about your diet, exercise, cholesterol in urdu. They may also perform a physical exam.

The most common way to measure fatigue is a short questionnaire known as the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). This nine-question test gives you a score between one and seven, with a higher score indicating greater fatigue.

Fatigue can be caused by a variety of factors, both individual and inherited. This makes it difficult to know what is causing the problem.



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