Medicine for Cholesterol

If you're not able to get your cholesterol under control with diet and exercise alone, you may need medicine. Your healthcare provider will prescribe the right medication for you.

Several types of medicines are used to lower cholesterol, including statins and bile acid sequestrants. These medications work by lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.


Statins are a type of medicine that lowers cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. They also help to clear your arteries of plaque that can build up and cause heart problems.

If you have high cholesterol, your doctor will check the level of cholesterol in your blood and decide if you need a medication. They will look at your age, lifestyle, family history and other risk factors for heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) diseases.

You might be prescribed a statin if you have high cholesterol and lifestyle changes aren't lowering your levels, or if you have certain medical conditions like the inherited condition familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). They can help to prevent cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and strokes, even if your overall health is good.

They work by lowering your LDL ("bad") cholesterol, which is linked to heart disease. They also can help to lower your triglycerides and raise your HDL cholesterol.

The best way to avoid having to take a statin is to change your diet and exercise regularly. This can lower your cholesterol and triglycerides and can help you stay healthier for longer.

People who have liver disease or are pregnant should not take statins. They should also stop taking them if they experience severe side effects, such as muscle problems or liver abnormalities.

It's important to talk to your doctor about any possible side effects before you start taking a statin, so that you can decide if it is right for you. Most side effects are mild and go away as your body adjusts to the medication.

If you find that you can't tolerate the side effects of a particular statin, your doctor can prescribe another one or recommend that you reduce the dose or switch to a different type of medication. Some non-prescription and herbal medications can also affect statins, so speak to your doctor if you are using any of these.

Typically, statins are taken for life to reduce your high cholesterol ka desi ilaj and prevent plaque build-up. However, if you make significant changes to your diet and lifestyle, you might be able to go off the medication or reduce your dosage.


Ezetimibe is a medicine that helps lower raised cholesterol. It is usually taken with other cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins, and works best when used with a low-cholesterol diet and exercise. It may also be used on its own for people with rare inherited high cholesterol disorders, including heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and sitosterolemia.

It reduces the amount of cholesterol in your blood, so you can have a healthier lifestyle with less chance of having a heart attack or stroke. It is available in tablets 10 mg or in combination with a statin drug, Zumba(r).

You should take it regularly at the same time each day to get the best results. Do not stop taking it or change the dose without consulting your doctor first.

The dose depends on your age, weight, and medical condition. It is usually 10 mg once a day, but it can be higher or lower depending on your body's needs. You should always use effective birth control to prevent pregnancy while you're taking ezetimibe and a statin.

This medication can cause side effects, such as stomach (abdominal) pain and diarrhoea. You should drink lots of fluids, such as water or squash, to avoid dehydration. If you have any other symptoms, such as a fever or unusual tiredness, contact your doctor immediately.

Severe muscle problems warning: Some people taking this drug have had unexplained muscle weakness and pain, especially if they are elderly. You should tell your doctor if you develop any signs of muscle weakness, such as unusual tiredness or dark urine.

Other side effects include bruising, muscle sores, or bleeding. These can be serious. Your doctor will need to monitor you carefully and stop your treatment if these happen.

Your liver function will be checked before you start this medication and while you're taking it. Liver tests can show if your liver is working properly, and can also let your doctor know if you are getting too much or too little ezetimibe.

If you have kidney disease or poorly controlled hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), this medication can damage jigar ki charbi ka ilaj in urdu. It's important to let your doctor know if you have any symptoms, such as muscle pain or weakness, so they can check your kidneys for problems.

Nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is a medicine used to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in people who cannot take statins. It is a water-soluble vitamin B3 that can be found in foods or as a supplement.

Niacin is an antioxidant, a natural anti-inflammatory, and supports the function of your heart, eyes, skin, and digestive system. It also helps to make your blood thin and healthy.

It is also known to help to lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes. It is mainly used to treat patients with high triglycerides and low levels of HDL cholesterol, which are often associated with high risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).

However, it can cause side effects. These include tingling, itching, or burning of the skin; vomiting or diarrhoea; stomach discomfort or cramps; or fainting. If you have any of these side effects, stop taking niacin and call your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Although niacin is an effective agent for cholesterol reduction, it should not be used instead of statins in patients with liver disease or active bleeding. In these patients, the side effects may outweigh the benefit.

To reduce your risk of developing a heart attack or stroke, you should have your cholesterol and triglycerides checked regularly by your doctor. He or she will then be able to recommend the best treatment for you.

Niacin is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and enters the bloodstream within 30 minutes after oral administration. It is metabolized to the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine diphosphate (NADP).

The lipid-modifying action of niacin is thought to be mediated by two G-protein-coupled membrane receptors, GPR109A and GPR109B, which bind nicotinic acid with high and low affinity, respectively. These receptors are primarily expressed in adipose tissue, immune cells, and retinal pigmented epithelial cells. They are also present in keratinocytes, breast cells, and microglia at relatively low levels.

Studies of niacin have shown that it can reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in blood, improve your HDL-cholesterol level, and reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. It can also improve your insulin sensitivity and reduce your risk of having a diabetic event, such as an eye or kidney problem.


Triglycerides are a type of fat that circulates in your blood. The body needs triglycerides for energy and other functions, but high levels can increase your risk of heart disease.

Your doctor can tell you your triglyceride and cholesterol levels by giving you a blood test. They may ask you to not eat or drink anything for 8-12 hours before your test.

During the test, your doctor will use a special machine to measure the amount of triglycerides and other blood fats in your blood. He or she will also check your HDL and LDL levels, which help determine your risk for heart disease.

You can lower your triglyceride level by eating a healthy diet and getting regular physical activity. If you are overweight, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight can help lower your triglyceride levels.

The American Heart Association recommends that everyone have their cholesterol and triglyceride levels tested regularly. This is especially important for people at high risk for heart disease or other serious conditions.

If you have high triglyceride levels, your doctor will give you tips to help you reduce the amount of this fatty substance in your blood. These include eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, limiting red meat, trans and saturated fats, and cutting down on simple sugars.

Your doctor can also prescribe triglyceride-lowering medications. These medicines are called statins.

They usually lower triglyceride levels and other dangerous forms of cholesterol by blocking the production of these fatty substances in your liver. They can also decrease the amount of fat in your blood, which can reduce your risk for heart attack or stroke.

In addition to medication, your doctor will discuss lifestyle changes that can help you maintain lower triglyceride levels. These include eating a healthy diet, getting regular physical exercise and avoiding smoking.

These changes are the cornerstone of cholesterol kam karne ka tarika and other high cholesterol levels, but they can take time to work. It often takes 6 to 12 months before you see any benefit from them.

Your doctor will decide if you need to take medicines for high triglycerides and other problems with your cholesterol. The decision will be made after talking with you about your health and evaluating your risk for heart disease, blood pressure and other risk factors.



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