Symptoms of High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a common health concern that can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. It’s caused by many things, including eating fatty food, not exercising enough, smoking and drinking alcohol.

It can also run in your family. You can lower your cholesterol by following a healthy diet and getting more exercise.

Chest Pains

Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of high cholesterol. It can range from a sharp, stabbing pain to a dull ache and even feel like it's crushing your chest.

It can also spread to your arms, jaw, neck or back. It may worsen with exercise or excitement and improve with rest.

Some people have a type of chest pain called angina, which is usually caused by coronary artery disease. This happens when a blood vessel in your heart that brings oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle gets blocked by fatty deposits known as plaque.

If you have a problem with your cholesterol, you may need to reduce your fat intake. Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help you control your cholesterol level.

Other causes of chest pain include peptic ulcers, which occur when acid from your stomach comes up into your esophagus. These often cause a stabbing pain in the center of your chest that can be worse when you lie down.

Pain in Your Legs

If you have high cholesterol, you may have noticed pain in your legs. This can be a sign that your arteries are narrowing and hardening as a result of high levels of fat and cholesterol.

You should also see your doctor if you feel like your legs are getting tired and weak. This is a common symptom of Peripheral Artery Disease, or PAD.

This condition occurs when the arteries in your lower legs become blocked and the fatty buildup causes the clogged blood vessels to restrict blood flow to the area.

People with PAD often complain about leg pain that can occur during physical activities such as walking, jogging and climbing stairs. This pain usually goes away as soon as you stop doing the activity.

Intense leg cramps while sleeping are another cholesterol in urdu of PAD. These leg cramps typically happen in the heel, forefoot or toes.

Stroke-Like Symptoms

A stroke occurs when blood flow is blocked to parts of the brain. It can occur for many reasons. Some of the most common are a blood clot in an artery or blockage of a fatty deposit called plaque on an artery wall.

High cholesterol can increase your risk of a stroke, so controlling it is very important. You can reduce your risk by adjusting your diet and taking medications, such as statins.

To control your cholesterol levels, choose healthy, low-fat foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. Make sure to get enough soluble fiber, which can lower your total and LDL cholesterol levels.

If your doctor believes you are at risk for a stroke, he or she may prescribe lipid-lowering drugs such as statins. These drugs lower your cholesterol by preventing fatty deposits from forming on the arteries. They also decrease your risk of clotting, which can help prevent a stroke.


Fatigue is a common symptom of high cholesterol, though it may not be the first thing that comes to mind. The body needs cholesterol for various purposes, including the formation of cell membranes and hormones.

But too much cholesterol can lead to heart disease or stroke, which can cause exhaustion and a loss of energy.

The fatigue may be temporary, such as after exercise or a nap. However, it can also be persistent and severe.

If you’re experiencing unrelenting exhaustion that doesn’t respond to sleep, rest or diet changes, make an appointment with your doctor.

Your health care professional will take a cholesterol kam karne ka tarika in urdu, perform a physical exam, and order tests to help pinpoint the root of your fatigue. They may also ask about your lifestyle, habits, and feelings.



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