What Causes Ulcers - Stomach Ulcer Symptoms

Stomach pain is a common complaint that can be caused by a variety of factors, including indigestion, gastritis, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerances, and more. The type of medication prescribed for stomach pain will depend on the underlying cause of the pain. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common medications used to treat stomach pain


Antacids are a group of medications that neutralize stomach acid, which can help relieve stomach pain caused by acid reflux or heartburn. They work by reducing the acidity of the stomach contents, which can help to reduce inflammation and irritation in the lining of the esophagus and stomach.

Antacids are available over-the-counter (OTC) and come in various forms, including chewable tablets, liquid suspensions, and dissolvable tablets. Common ingredients found in antacids include aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate. Some popular OTC antacid brands include Tums, Rolaids, and Maalox.

Antacids are generally safe and effective for short-term use. However, long-term use can cause some side effects, such as constipation, diarrhea, and electrolyte imbalances. People with kidney problems should also be cautious about using antacids, as some of the ingredients can accumulate in the body and cause further kidney damage.

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a group of medications that reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. They are commonly used to treat stomach ulcers, acid reflux, and other conditions that cause stomach pain. PPIs work by blocking the enzyme responsible for producing stomach acid, which can help to reduce inflammation and irritation in the stomach lining.

PPIs are available by prescription and come in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquids. Some popular PPI brands include Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid.

While PPIs are generally safe and effective, long-term use can pait dard ki desi dawa, such as an increased risk of bone fractures, kidney damage, and infections. It is also important to note that PPIs can interact with other medications, so it is important to inform your doctor of all medications you are taking before starting PPI treatment.

H2 Blockers

H2 blockers are a group of medications that also reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. They are commonly used to treat stomach ulcers, acid reflux, and other conditions that cause stomach pain. H2 blockers work by blocking the histamine receptors in the stomach, which can help to reduce inflammation and irritation in the stomach lining.

H2 blockers are available by prescription and come in various forms, including tablets and liquids. Some popular H2 blocker brands include Zantac, Pepcid, and Tagamet.

While H2 blockers are generally safe and effective, long-term use can cause some side effects, such as headaches, dizziness, and diarrhea. It is also important to note that H2 blockers can interact with other medications, so it is important to inform your doctor of all medications you are taking before starting H2 blocker treatment.


Prokinetics are a group of medications that increase the contractions of the stomach and intestines, which can help to improve digestion and reduce stomach pain. They are commonly used to treat conditions such as gastroparesis, which is a condition where the stomach takes too long to empty its contents.

Prokinetics are available by prescription and come in various forms, including tablets and liquids. Some popular prokinetics brands include Reglan and pait dard ka ilaj.

While Prokinetics are generally safe and effective, long-term use.



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